It's my turn! a group centered intervention program for children 7-11 years who have witnessed domestic violence.. (輪到我了!針對7-11歲家暴經驗兒童設計的團體中心介入方案)

11/06/2019 - 11:15 to 11/06/2019 - 12:45
Proposal(Workshop / Presentation)
Coordinating organization: 
Blijf Groep
New Methods in Shelter Management and Social Work
Organization Name: 
Blijf Groep (Blijf集團)
Proposer: Kristine Evertz
Describe your workshop/presentation (300-500 words): 
It’s my turn! Is an groupcentered interventionprogram for children in the ages 7-11 years who have witnessed domestic violence in the home. Research has shown that witnessing severe and violent quarrels between parents or caretakers greatly enhances the risk for problems later in life. The effects and risks for a child witness are comparable with being physically abused. (Kitzman, et al 2003). It’s my turn! is a secondary prevention program for children, that prevents or limits post traumatic stress symptoms and internalised or externalised problematic behavior. Central and effective element of the program is the connection between the development of the child in the kidsgroup with (at least) one of the parents in the adultgroup. Children learn how to deal with their emotions, especially guilt and shame, The cycle of silence is broken, and gives children the space to talk about their experiences and safety needs. Parents learn about the consequenses of the violence, how to talk about violence and fear with their child and how to support their child as they deal with their emotions.
As we developed the program we paid special attention to the way we connect to the cultural background of the family. Social roles, gender expectations and cultural norms form the pedagogical environment requires us to connect closely to the reality of the family. In the program this resulted in a variaty of games, texts, rol-playing, pictures and songs to respect and cherish differences. In the workshop we will introduce the program It’s my turn! and show you how it works, what we do and how we motivate kids and parents to join It’s my turn!