4WCWS Side Events
There is a wide variety of side events attached to the Fourth World Conference of Women’s Shelters. Held before, during and after 4WCWS, the side events are organized by partner and affiliated organizations. Some of the events are invitation only while others require pre-registration. Please check back to this page for updates on registration and contact information.
- Mon, Nov 4. Taoyuan City.
Innovations in Shelter Services - The Orange Huis Approach: Organized services from secret locations to open spaces
60 people. Lunch included.
Workshop for North Taiwan social workers and DV center staff led by Blijf Groep (closed meeting)
- Mon, Nov 4. 10:00-16:00. 7F BALSAM ROOM, Howard Plaza Hotel, Kaohsiung City.
GNWS Interim Board Meeting (closed meeting)
- Mon, Nov 4. Hotel Yam, 58, Qixian 3rd Rd., Yancheng Dist., Kaohsiung City 803. (鹽旅 七賢三路58號)
Youth Caucus Meeting
70 people
Discussion and networking meeting organized by young delegates to 4WCWS.
Check here for more information
- Tue, Nov 5. 10:00-12:00. Garden of Hope Kaohsiung Branch, Kaohsiung City.
Asia Network of Women's Shelters Steering Committee Meeting (closed meeting)
For enquires please contact Jean Su: goh1591@goh.org.tw
- (Currently Full) Wed, Nov 6. 18:00-21:00. 7F Golden Phoenix Hall, Howard Plaza Hotel, Kaohsiung City.
Networking and Information Sharing for Regional/National/Provincial Shelter Organizations
50 people. Dinner included.
Hosted by: Women's Shelters Canada & NNEDV USA
If you work for an organization that brings together shelters in your region or country, please join this event to create new connections, and share your work and priorities in the areas of advocacy and knowledge exchange.
Ask to get on the waitlist by contacting Kaitlin Bardswich at kbardswich@endvaw.ca
- NEW - Wednesday, November 6, 17:30-19:00, Howard Plaza Hotel, Kaohsiung City
People and Animals Living Safely (PALS) Program in New York, NY, USA
Hosted by: Urban Resource Institute
Crystal Court, 10th Floor
Buffet Reception with cocktails and beverages
Limited to 50 attendees, Register ASAP
An exclusive evening with New York City’s largest provider of domestic violence services and shelter to learn about the groundbreaking People and Animals Living Safely (PALS) program. Since launching in 2013 to provide co-living options for survivors and pets, PALS has expanded to seven domestic violence shelters and informed policies and programmatic responses that empower victims to escape abuse. Join us to discuss highlights from our five-year report and preview results of the first-ever national survey to understand the role pets play in domestic violence, in partnership with the National Domestic Violence Hotline. (PALS Five-Year Executive Summary).
RSVP to jcardoza@urinyc.org
- Thu, Nov 7. 18:30-21:00. M3F BANQUET HALL, Howard Plaza Hotel, Kaohsiung City.
Asian Conference of Women's Shelters
Limited to 200 people (Full now). Dinner included. Pay bar for alcoholic beverages.
Hosted by: Asian Network of Women's Shelters
Organized by: All Japan Women's Shelter Network
Dress code: Casual
After the closing ceremony of the 4th World Conference of Women’s Shelters, Asian delegates are welcome to get together again before saying goodbyes. After all the days full of information, we can eat, drink, chat and dance to refresh ourselves and regain energy for tomorrow.
1. Opening Remarks: Ms. Chisato Kitanaka, Executive Director, All Japan Women's Shelter Network
2. Voices of Representatives: Representatives from each country or region are welcome to come on stage and make a statement (max. 3 min each)
3. Dance for Solidarity and Impact: Hokkaido Shelter Network (Japan)
Contact: office@nwsnet.or.jp
- Fri, Nov 8. 10:00-17:30. 7F BALSAM ROOM, Howard Plaza Hotel, Kaohsiung City.
One Billion Rising Asian Coordinators Meeting
20 people (invitation only)
Dress code: Casual
- Fri, Nov 8. 08:30-16:30. Chang Jung Christian University, Tainan City.
Global Practices in Promotion of Gender Equality: Human Rights, Criminal Justice and the Media
120 people. Lunch included.
Hosted by: GOH Tainan Branch
Mini-conference with presentations from 4WCWS keynote speakers and response and discussion with local experts and academics. Topics include "International Practices in Human Rights Promotion and Gender Equality: Gender Diversity, Ethnicity and Culture" and "Victim Response to Criminal Justice Procedures and Media Coverage of Sexual Assault Cases".
Videos and presentations (NEW).
Registration and program details.
- NEW. Fri, Nov 8. 13:20-17:30. The Garden of Hope Foundation Headquarters, Xindian, New Taipei City.
Practical and Ethical Issues in Implementation of a Protective Database
50 people.
Hosted by: GOH HQ
Forum for Taiwanese government officials, public sector workers and NGO staff on how to implement a national database on incidents of domestic abuse and other forms of gender-based violence, which meets the needs of policy development and resource allocation, but at the same time protects the rights of the victims to ownership and control of their data, and helps empower them on the road to recovery. Cat Van Wielingen from the Alberta Council of Women's Shelters will share the Canadian experience with her counterparts in Taiwan.
- Fri, Nov 8. 14:30-17:30. Dong Hwa University, Hualien City.
The legal action of sexual violence and exploitation campaign in Taiwan and Japan. - 性暴力及性剝削防治倡議現狀台日交流研討會
60 people, Hosted by: GOH Hualien Branch - Language: Chinese and Japanese
- Registration and program details.(in Chinese)
- Sat, Nov 9. 13:30-16:30. Azure Hotel, Hualien City.
The social communication of sexual violence and exploitation campaign in Taiwan and Japan. - 性暴力及性剝削防治倡議現狀台日交流研討會
60 people, Hosted by: GOH Hualien Branch - Registration and program details.(in Chinese)
- Sat, Nov 9. 13:30-16:30. Y17, Taipei City.
"The Apology" public speech by Eve Ensler
400 people
Feminist writer Eve Ensler talks about her stunning new book "The Apology" and the latest developments in the movement to end violence against women.
Registration (in Chinese)
Unless otherwise stated, the dress-code for the above side events is smart casual.
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