We Need to Talk: Gender Violence Through Cyberspace
11/06/2019 - 13:45 to 11/06/2019 - 15:15
Proposal(Workshop / Presentation)
Coordinating organization:
Youth Caucus
Emerging Issues
Organization Name:
Youth Caucus
Describe your workshop/presentation (300-500 words):
As we all know these days most of us have easy access to the internet and with it, social medias. Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is not new, and unfortunately it has spread to the online sphere. Bullying, sexting, and platform policies (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) to care for their users are issues that are truly alarming. Since most people have access to social network we consider it a worldwide problem especially for the younger generation. In the first half of the workshop, we will outline the ways and forms of violence experienced by women and girls online. Moving on, there will be an interactive session for all attendees to propose solutions to counter against these incidents.
All Speakers:
Deneb Vega
In 2011, she founded ITA Boutique Social, a social project boutique, and from there he began the production of the documentary feature “Calavera del Montón, behind the bones of José Guadalupe Posada”, 9 coordinates a talented team that edits the first Pop-Up Book in Large format about Posada together with the government of the city of Aguascalientes and the Council for Culture and Arts (2012), produces the 10 animated pieces and two audiovisual works for the Mana Transmitter Inn Exhibition at the National Museum of Art, where She participates as creator and director of the pieces "Common grave" and "A five-step engraving". (2013). She planned and made the audiovisual series for Latin American women leaders, “New Narratives to Promote Your Leadership”, co-production with the Women Agents of Change Network and International Plan (2015). He is currently producing the research and documentary Ruta 9411 on violence against women and girls in contexts of armed conflict, organized crime and migration in (2016) supported by the United Nations International Agency for Refugees UNHCR.