Leading Change: Inspired Communities model for Culture Change to end Violence Against Women (領導變革:促成改變文化的社區模型,終結對女性暴力)

11/06/2019 - 09:30 to 11/06/2019 - 11:00
Proposal(Workshop / Presentation)
Coordinating organization: 
Alberta Council of Women's Shelters
Emerging Issues
Organization Name: 
Alberta Council of Women's Shelters (亞伯達議會婦女庇護所)
Organization Introduction: 
The Alberta Council of Women's Shelters has been developing primary prevention and culture change tools for almost 15 years, directed by the expertise of our member shelters.
Proposer: tuval
Describe your workshop/presentation (300-500 words): 
The prevention approach of the Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters (ACWS) reflects the recognition that we must not only respond to the victims and perpetrators of interpersonal violence, but also work to prevent violence from occurring in the first place. Thus, we have a dual-pronged mission: To support shelters and work with them and other community leaders to end violence and abuse.
With funding support from Status of Women Canada in 2014, ACWS developed a community-based model for engaging men and boys – in partnership with women and girls – to end violence and abuse against women and girls. The Leading Change: Inspired Communities model helps develop and strengthen the skills and awareness of people to identify and respond to issues of gender-based violence in their communities.
The model was built on ideas that emerged from an initial needs assessment on engaing men and boys, literature review and our organization’s experience. Pilot testing of this model over an initial one-year period helped us refine it further and describe it in more detail.
We have had the program streams for Leading Change in many communities in Alberta since 2014 and have built a body of evidence in co-facilitating the engaged bystander training with youth and adults with trained players from the Canadian Football League. ACWS has developed our own capacity as a supporting agency in the past few years and have begun to prioritize coaching and training community mentors and key delivery groups to implement the model themselves.
Our workshop on the Leading Change model would present the model as a tool for communities to use - with shelters as a hub of community-based expertise - to support the end of gendered violence in their schools, workplaces and local governments. We will share different case study examples of communities we’ve supported to date and some of the central outcomes and learnings along the way. And finally, we would facilitate some of our experiential training – since people of all ages, genders and professions benefit from participating in the conversation – as a way to stretch some thinking, but also provide some tools to take back home.
All Speakers:
Tuval Dinner Nafshi
Tuval works as the Leading Change Community Developer for the Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters. He is a violence prevention educator specializing in healthy relationships, consent, gender equity and healthy masculinity. Over the 15 years he has facilitated workshops and delivered presentations for thousands of young people, educators and community members on issues relating to sexism, sexual violence, healthy relationships, gender equity and eliminating violence from our lives. He received his social work education from MacEwan University and University of Victoria then went on to work in British Columbia (Victoria Sexual Assault Centre), Ireland (Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) and Ontario (White Ribbon Campaign & Centre ontarien de prévention des agressions “COPA”).