Recounting women - using a participatory photography method to empower women who have expereinced domestic abuse to creatively express their views. (重述女性—運用參與式攝影賦權受家暴女性創意表達其觀點)

11/06/2019 - 09:30 to 11/06/2019 - 11:00
Proposal(Workshop / Presentation)
Coordinating organization: 
Scottish Women's Aid
Art and Advocacy
Organization Name: 
Scottish Women's Aid (蘇格蘭婦女援助組織)
Proposer: Jo Ozga
Describe your workshop/presentation (300-500 words): 
Recounting Women is a participatory photovoice project that supports women to reflect on and creatively tell their stories to highlight issues related to their personal experiences of domestic abuse. Photovoice involves developing photographs and text to tell a story to bring about change. A key theme of this project is to gather evidence of the impact that homelessness, cuts to social security and other austerity measures in the UK that have affected women's ability to access protection and to rebuild their lives. The project provides a unique platform for women who have experienced domestic abuse and whose voice is rarely heard in public policy making, to anonymously and creatively share information about the issues that they want politicians, decision makers and the public to know about and that they want to change.
The workshop will:
- provide an overview of how to use a photovoice approach in advocacy by outlining the approach, process and ethical framework for this type of work.
- share the work developed by women for the project and currently shared by an online website, as well as published in posters and postcards.
- explain how Women's Aid in Scotland have used the resources provided by the project to influence policy change, for training and funding purposes and for campaigning.

If time is allocated and depending on the size of the group, it would be possible to demonstrate how to carry out a photovoice session as a practical, creative learning experience for those taking part - that they can then develop in thier own organisations.
All Speakers:
Jo Ozga
Policy worker with Scottish Women's Aid for 14 years, focusing on preventing women and children’s homelessness, social security and destitution. Research experience in working with domestic abuse survivors, co-facilitated the Women’s Health Improvement Research Project in Fife, a 3-year participatory action research project designed and led by women with direct experience of homelessness as a result of domestic abuse. Also co-facilitated Recounting Women Project a participatory photovoice research project that supports women who have experienced domestic abuse to share information about the issues that affect them and the barriers they face in rebuilding their lives.