'Meeting her where she is': A Survivor-Centric Service Model (看見現在的她:倖存者中心的服務模型)

11/06/2019 - 11:15 to 11/06/2019 - 12:45
Proposal(Workshop / Presentation)
Coordinating organization: 
New Methods in Shelter Management and Social Work
Organization Name: 
Proposer: PCVC2000
Describe your workshop/presentation (300-500 words): 
The proposed workshop aims at collectively finding answers to a critical question - in rescuing and rehabilitating domestic and sexual violence survivors are we 'spinning' the power & control wheel with our service approach? The aim of the workshop is to have a shared vision and role of shelter services in the larger space of ending violence women.
The facilitator along with the participants re-examines their approach to providing psycho-social care in shelters. In a trusted and safe space participants along with the facilitator, map the various services and support being extended to the residents and analyse to what extent trauma and client centric approaches are integrated and the impact. Together the group also develops a shared definition and understanding on DV informed, solution and client focused approaches and key principles.
Other important aspect which the workshop focuses on is agreement on values and norms at a shelter to be practiced not only between the shelter staff and clients but also among staff members in order to set examples by demonstrating and walking the talk. These shared values would include – inclusion, diversity, respect, confidentiality, trust etc. The participants also jointly explore the benefits of non-negotiables in order to achieve the agreed outcomes and realize how this process can promote empowerment and resilience.
Using the tenets of survivor-centric approach as a benchmark, they view process as a journey of discovery for both the client and the provider, and an opportunity to build a respectful, collaborative partnership, which forms the foundation of the survivor's recovery.
Understanding root causes of sexual and domestic violence such a gender, gender based violence helps in building conviction towards the critical need of shelter like services. This understanding also helps in making the case for the practitioners strong for advocating to the state (government, donors) for allocating resources for such services. Therefore the workshop entails a dedicated session on the concepts of gender, diversity, inclusion, legal frameworks and provisions, gender based violence etc.
The participants understand their role in the collaborative partnership, as a 'facilitative' provider and the role of the client as the ‘decision maker’- an effective service approach that meets the survivors where they are, as experts on themselves, with providers demonstrating a welcoming environment.
The workshop culminates with the initiation of platform of diverse stakeholders playing different roles and functions in providing support and services to survivors of sexual and domestic violence. This space is further facilitated as a forum for reflection and exchange of learning through virtual platforms beyond the life cycle of this workshop.
All Speakers:
Swetha Shankar
Swetha Shankar works primarily on the intersections between gender, violence and conflict. She holds the position of Director, Client Services, International Foundation for Crime Prevention and Victim Care, an organization based in Chennai, South India, that offers specialised support services for women and child survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse.