Situation of human traffikcing / Vatra's work for reintegration of former victims of human traffikcing in Albania

11/07/2019 - 13:30 to 11/07/2019 - 15:00
Proposal(Workshop / Presentation)
Coordinating organization: 
Psycho Social Centre "Vatra"
Equality and Economic Empowerment
Organization Name: 
Psycho Social Centre "Vatra", Albania
Organization Introduction: 
“Vatra” Psycho-Social Center is an Albanian non-profit organization that provides services and expertise on prevention and protection of victims of trafficking and violence.

Vatra’s activity dates back in 1999. It has been initially registered as non-profit organization at Vlora District Court (Decision 693, dated 02.10.2001). Later, in accordance with the Law on Non-Profit Organizations, it has registered at Tirana District Court (Decision 211, dated 17.01.2005). Since 2004, Vatra has been licensed by the by the national Licensing Center for: (1) Provision of Residential Services; and (2) Provision of Community Services.

The Psycho-Social Center “Vatra” aims at “preventing the trafficking in human beings and gender-based violence and social-economic empowerment of victims of these phenomena through information, education, advocacy, and social residential and community services”.
The main priorities of “Vatra” include:
• Preventing the trafficking in human beings and gender based violence. (awareness raising activities, support persons in vulnerable situation in order to prevent their trafficking etc. )
• Rehabilitation and reintegration of victims of trafficking and all kind of violence (shelter 24/7, medical, legal, psychological assistance, vocational training, on the job trainings, mediation for employment, activities for raising life skills, support for establishing microbusiness etc )
• Increase the access to justice for victims of human trafficking, sexual exploitation and abuse (free legal aid and assistance for victims in the Legal Clinic of Vatra , Police, Prosecution offices , Courts etc)
• Capacity building of representatives of governmental and non-governmental institutions for the effective implementation of national policies. (trainings , workshops and seminars etc)
• Lobbying and advocacy to ensure and protect the victims’ rights. (providing expertise in drafting new amendments, laws, policies etc).
During these years , “Vatra Center” has been very active in the overall anti-trafficking efforts in Albania. In 2001 Vatra established the first shelter in Albania for providing rehabilitation and reintegration services for victims of trafficking and their children.. It is a permanent member of the National Referral Mechanism for Identification and Referral of victims of trafficking/ potential victims of trafficking (since 2005). It is a member of the National Coalition of Anti-trafficking Shelters, becomes a party of the National Anti-trafficking Responsible Authority on rotating basis (1 year each turn).

Proposer: pukab
Describe your workshop/presentation (300-500 words): 
Vatra Psycho - Social Centre is an organization established in 1999 , in Albania. One of the main priority of its work is to provide long term reintegration services for victims of human trafficking. Vatra has established the first shelter in Albania for victims of human trafficking which continue to provide rehabilitation and reintegration services for social and economical empowerment of this target group.
As an organization with 20 years of experience in this field, in the framework of this workshop I would like to share with the participants the actual situation of human trafficking in Albania, national legislation and mechanism in the support of victims. In addition I would like to share also the full package of services that our organization in cooperation with other anti-trafficking stakeholders provides for victims to empower them socially and economically.
All Speakers:
Brikena Puka