The Private is Political , Shelter’s Feminist approach toward working with Arab Palestinian women survivors of domestic violence in Israel. (私事是政治:針對以色列的巴勒斯坦阿拉伯受家暴婦女庇護所採取的女性觀點)
11/06/2019 - 13:45 to 11/06/2019 - 15:15
Proposal(Workshop / Presentation)
Coordinating organization:
women against violence WAVO
New Methods in Shelter Management and Social Work
Organization Name:
women against violence WAVO (婦女反暴力)
suheir daksa halabi
Describe your workshop/presentation (300-500 words):
WAVO- Women against violence is a pioneer feminist Palestinian organization in Israel,working for almost 30 years within the complex cycles of suppression as women and as native ethnic minority under occupation , in a phase of global economic crisis and its impact on women in particular. these realities urged us recognize the particular needs of Arab women survivors and their children, and develop and approaches suitable for their needs and situation due also to the rapid change in the profiles of families attending shelter.
The presentation will include the topic of the meaning of running a shelter in a feminist way, will reflect the daily life of a shelter, will explore the treatment methods used today in the shelter, which were developed in accordance with the needs of Palestinian women and children living in the shelter, whose profile is becoming more complex day by day (ex. mental health , trauma, health needs, unemployment , lack of services ).will address how we adapt the basket of services in Israel which is generally adapted to the needs of Israeli women and their children and does not meet the needs of Palestinian women and their children. In the presentation we will discuss the background, the reasons, and describe the methods of working directly with women and children, staff training, and our coping strategies with hurdles in the shelter and hurdles we face with colleagues in the field. We will also discuss the method of working with the current treatment bodies such as the welfare departments ,police offices and the ministries . In addition, we will expand on how we have developed an internal advocacy system: shelter - organization, collecting data from the daily cases that we face regarding women and children situations, that could include areas of law enforcement insufficiency, judicial system, welfare departments approaches which effect badly on the well being of these women and children and contribute a lot to the sense of mistrust ,already existing ,of these women in these systems. we will represent our tools of cooperation and coalitions with other organizations, formation of demands and submitting them to government ministries in order to influence policy change, promoting favored legislation to expand the rights of women and children in shelters and in general, in order to meet the needs of survivors and promote their wellbeing and help them break out of the cycle of violence.
the presentation will expand on dealing with trauma , secondary trauma, daily programs in shelter and manifesting of those experiences, of the staff and of the women and children , aiming to develop and better the services that the state offers for them.