Long-term Service for Recovery from Trauma of Domestic violence Survivors (提供家暴倖存者長期的創傷恢復照顧)

11/06/2019 - 11:15 to 11/06/2019 - 12:45
Proposal(Workshop / Presentation)
Coordinating organization: 
Taipei Women's Rescue Foundation
New Methods in Shelter Management and Social Work
Organization Name: 
Taipei Women's Rescue Foundation (台北市婦女救援基金會)
Proposer: Ansel
Describe your workshop/presentation (300-500 words): 
Domestic violence against women is prevalent in Taiwan. The patriarchal is one of the key factor of domestic violence, and it also influence the public services delivery which tending to victimize the survivors. Domestic violence survivors experienced isolation, disassociated, betrayed, and they also showed resilience after traumatic exposure. Above mentioned effect survivors’ social relationships and shape their sense of self. While the public services for domestic violence survivors focus on crisis intervention and safety issue, abused women were generally regarded as a vulnerable population in Taiwan society, and survivors’ resilience were overlooked in the services.
The Butterfly Project, held by Taipei Women Rescue Foundation (TWRF), was designed to support domestic violence survivors as a long-term services other than short-term intervention services. The project started in 2015. In 2018, Project participants consisting survivors, two facilitators and one social worker met once a week for total 23 group sessions. The project goal is to raise the awareness of survivors’ identity and resilience through peer support.
This presentation details how the project starts, how it operates, and how the participants’ identifies shift during the group sessions. Study interviewed 10 participants in-person about how their senses of self being developed while receiving public services and inquire about the way they shaped their sense of self after trauma.
The finding suggests that domestic violence survivors’ identities influenced by the public services, communities and family system which value patriarchal power as culture norm.
For recovery from trauma long-term services are necessary. Besides, long-term services should not duplicate the victims’ role in crisis intervention and safety issue, instead, long-term services could be more self-depended and collective-oriented to focus on survivors’ agency to enhance resilience for survivors.