Reaching Out with Yoga: sharing what we’ve learned from this innovative research project which investigates trauma-informed yoga in women’s shelters (瑜伽伸出手:婦女庇護所的創傷知情瑜伽調查創新研究計畫報告)

11/06/2019 - 11:15 to 11/06/2019 - 12:45
Proposal(Workshop / Presentation)
Coordinating organization: 
British Columbia (BC) Society of Transition Houses
New Methods in Shelter Management and Social Work
Organization Name: 
British Columbia (BC) Society of Transition Houses (英屬哥倫比亞中途之家)
Proposer: reneet
Describe your workshop/presentation (300-500 words): 
Reaching Out with Yoga (ROWY) is a 5-year research project (2016-21) investigating the potential health and well-being benefits of trauma-informed yoga for women and their children who have experienced violence. This community-based project is currently taking place in transition houses (shelters for women and children fleeing violence) across British Columbia, Canada.

Trauma-informed yoga adapts traditional yoga techniques to make it more safe and accessible for those with trauma histories. Its alignment with trauma-informed practice is manifested in its focus on psychological and physical safety, choice and empowerment for its practitioners. Research indicates that trauma-informed yoga has positive effects on symptoms of trauma such as anxiety, poor sleep, hypervigilance and excessive rumination.

The workshop will include three main sections: 1) A summary of the research findings from the Reaching out with Yoga project to date; 2) A demonstration and experience of trauma-informed yoga; and, 3) A summary of lessons learned and tips on how to establish a trauma-informed research project.
1) Research Findings: to date there has been very little research on trauma-informed yoga’s effects for women and children who have experienced domestic violence. Therefore, the ROWY project has the potential to add to this gap in knowledge.
2) Trauma-informed Yoga Demonstration: In this session, trauma-informed yoga will be described and its potential benefits will be explained. The workshop participants will be given the opportunity to first observe what a trauma-informed yoga class looks and sounds like, and then if desired, have an experience of participating in a few trauma-informed yoga poses/postures. This will give participants an embodied experience of the intervention. Note: the yoga requires no special clothing, no pre-existing skills and can be done while seated.
3) Lessons Learned + Tips for Sector: The methodology of taking trauma-informed yoga into transition houses for women and children will be outlined. Successes and obstacles along the way will be shared for those interested in establishing trauma-informed programs and/or research projects.
All Speakers:
Renee Turner
Renee is the Research Manager for the Reaching Out with Yoga project (ROWY). Renee is passionate about creating positive social change through community-based research. Her background is in public health and she has worked on a number of projects in the areas of prison health, rural maternal health, and now in the anti-violence sector. As a yoga teacher and researcher, Renee loves working on the ROWY project, as it merges two of her passions: yoga and research. She has loved learning ways to make her yoga teaching and her research more trauma-informed through working on the ROWY project.