Voices of New Women (新女性之聲)

11/06/2019 - 13:45 to 11/06/2019 - 15:15
Proposal(Workshop / Presentation)
Coordinating organization: 
New Women Connectors
Equality and Economic Empowerment
Organization Name: 
New Women Connectors (新女性連結者)
Proposer: Anila Noor
Describe your workshop/presentation (300-500 words): 
Since the last two decades, there is increasing numbers of migration flow worldwide. Where migration is a result of search towards a better life, numerous challenges are associated with these perceived opportunities. Media acts as a powerful tool in shaping perception about migrants in the host communities and influences policies that directly affect migrants. There is lack of platforms for them to share their voices and potential contributions with the policymakers, traditional media, and other stakeholders. Their voices remain invisible or thin in the debates that directly or indirectly influence their life and moreover in policies and initiatives designed for them. The policymakers and local institutions mostly hold the stereotypical image and negative perception of the migrants. This gap between the perception of the policymakers and the perspectives of the migrants remains a concern. This Workshop helps to investigates the efforts of civil society organizations in connecting these stakeholders with diverse groups of migrants and refugees by providing new platforms, on one hand, to resist the perceptions associated with them and on the other hand to share their voices and lived experiences. The results show that NGOs such as the Women Connectors, bring together stakeholders
with diverse groups of migrants by providing platforms to share their voices, connects them through social media and provides resources to connect diverse groups from same home countries. Hence the contribution may look small-scale but possess the ability to shape a migrant family's life, reshape perception and influence policies concerning their future