Housing Innovations for Domestic Abuse Survivors (家暴倖存者的住屋設計靈感)

11/06/2019 - 11:15 to 11/06/2019 - 12:45
Proposal(Workshop / Presentation)
Coordinating organization: 
New Methods in Shelter Management and Social Work
Organization Name: 
Peabody (皮博迪學院)
Proposer: Gudrun Burnet
Describe your workshop/presentation (300-500 words): 
In a global context, practices in governance and housing related services and legislation vary, especially in relation to domestic abuse. This symposium describes innovative practices from the UK and the USA that focus on establishing and maintaining safe housing for domestic abuse survivors. The presenters have proven track records of implementing innovation in housing approaches, including housing first, ‘whole housing,’ flexible funding, consolidating and building effective partnerships across the housing and domestic abuse sectors, and influencing national policy, legislation and research.

Access to safe housing is a key priority for survivors and factors strongly into their decision making around whether to stay in, or leave, an abusive partner. Conversely, women can be at their most vulnerable following separation, and most domestic homicides occur at the victim’s home – 75% of the 113 women who were killed by men in 2016 in the UK were killed in their own homes or the home they shared with the perpetrator and over three quarters of the 24 women killed post-separation were killed in the first year after the relationship ended. In 2014 Peabody alongside Standing Together Against Domestic Violence and Gentoo created the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA). It brings together their combined best practice and is the UK benchmark on how the housing sector can improve their response to domestic abuse. DAHA also created the National Housing and Domestic Abuse Policy and Practice Group which has now got a membership of 17 organisations across the domestic abuse, housing and homelessness sector and is in a prime position to influence national legislation and policy in the UK and as a result have just been funded to pilot a brand new approach ‘whole housing’ which will be showcased as part of this workshop.

In the U.S., the Domestic Violence & Housing Technical Assistance Consortium (DVHTAC) is a federal initiative created to improve policies, identify promising practices and strengthen collaborations necessary to improve housing options for survivors facing homelessness a result of violence. DV is a leading cause of homelessness for women and children in the US and these barriers are often exacerbated for those most marginalized in our country and with the least access to resources, including many survivors of color, Native Americans, immigrants, those living in poverty and in geographic isolation, formerly incarcerated survivors, and survivors with disabilities. In addition, systemic factors such as institutional discrimination based on race/class/gender, and the lack of affordable housing can create further challenges for many survivors. This presentation will address safe housing from an intersectional lens.

This workshop includes interrelated presentations that, together, are intended to spark discussion about providing a broad array of housing options to meet domestic abuse survivors’ individual and specific needs.
All Speakers:
Gudrun Burnet
Gudrun Burnet is the Group Lead on Domestic Abuse at Peabody, one of the largest housing providers in London, and has worked in the field of domestic abuse for 15 years. Guddy co-founded the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA) in 2014 which is a national initiative to improve the whole housing sector response to domestic abuse. Guddy chairs the National Housing and Domestic Abuse Policy and Practice Group which has 21 members across the domestic abuse, housing and homelessness sector. She has spoken at conferences all over the world on her work including the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, Ireland, Belgium and the Netherlands. She was also shortlisted for Red Magazine's Pioneering Woman of the Year Award 2016 and was nominated as one of the Women of Year 2018.
Peg Hacskaylo
Peg Hacskaylo is the founder of the District Alliance for Safe Housing (DASH), whose mission is to ensure access to safe housing for survivors of domestic and sexual violence in Washington, DC. In 2015, she launched the National Alliance for Safe Housing (NASH), a national training and technical assistance project, to ensure that survivors of domestic and sexual violence have a full range of safe housing options, through improved access, increased resources, and innovative solutions, ultimately catalyzing a safe housing movement. She holds a Master’s Degree in Social Work from the University of Pennsylvania and a certificate in Organizational Development from Georgetown University.

Debbie Fox
Debbie Fox, Senior Policy and Practice Specialist at the National Network Against Domestic Violence (NNEDV), leads national domestic violence related housing policy and provides technical assistance and training to NNEDV’s coalition membership and as a part of the Domestic Violence Housing and Technical Assistance Consortium. Debbie has over 25 years in the DV and housing field with a focus on fundraising, organizational development, nonprofit administration, and domestic violence population-specific housing and economic justice programming. Prior joining NNEDV, she worked as a DV housing funder in county government and shared community leadership in the systems planning and implementation process for the DV system in Portland, Oregon, working with all 13-domestic violence victim service providers to create a coordinated entry process for survivors to access housing, shelter, and eviction prevention and shelter diversion programs.