Working with survivors experiencing technology abuse - keeping women safe on technology. (協助科技暴力倖存者—維護女性使用科技的安全)

11/06/2019 - 13:45 to 11/06/2019 - 15:15
Proposal(Workshop / Presentation)
Coordinating organization: 
Emerging Issues
Organization Name: 
Organization Introduction: 
Established in 1992, the Women's Services Network (WESNET), is the Australian national umbrella organisation for women’s shelters and other women-led domestic and family violence organisations.
Proposer: WESNET
Describe your workshop/presentation (300-500 words): 
Technology safety experts from Safety Net programs in the US and Australia will co-present this session on technology facilitated abuse.

The rate of smartphone use has increased dramatically across the globe in the past 10 years, providing women with access pathways to both social and economic participation. Perpetrators of domestic and other forms of gender-based violence against women are also misusing technology to harm, threaten, stalk and damage victims. They misuse technology to gain and exercise power over their victims.

In this workshop, Safety Net presenters from Australia and the US will walk through common ways that perpetrators are currently misusing smartphone technology—including isolating, monitoring, harassing, impersonating, humiliating, controlling and locating survivors—as well as how to work with survivors.

For us to truly support survivors, enhance our services, and hold offenders accountable, we need to understand technology’s impact on victims. And in a world where new technologies are developed on a daily basis, doing this is an ongoing journey. This session is a crash course in the basics of technology safety, and is designed to help participants navigate through the ever-changing landscape of a tech saturated world and its impact on survivors. We will provide information and skill building opportunities that pave the way for participants to better engage in their work with survivors around technology. Participants will leave better equipped with the tools to help guide survivors on their own journeys, as they work to increase their privacy and safety on technology platforms and address any misuse.

As shelters are also using technology as part of everyday service delivery, the workshop will also discuss the ways in which agency’s use of technology can be managed to ensure survivor and shelter worker safety.
All Speakers:
Karen Bentley
Karen Bentley is the National Director of the Women’s Services Network (WESNET) and is a founder of the Safety Net Australia project, which she helped establish in Australia in 2011. Karen has been working with the violence against women sector for over 20 years both in frontline services, peak bodies and in government positions.

A tech enthusiast and strong anti-violence advocate, she is one of Australia’s leading experts on the intersection of technology and violence against women. Karen manages the WESNET-Telstra Safe Connections program, which has provided over 18,000 smartphones to women impacted by domestic and family violence. She has personally trained over 3600 frontline workers around technology facilitated abuse and presented to the United Nations and international conferences on technology facilitated abuse. She advises, trains and participates in thinktanks for technology companies and universities in Australia and overseas.

In the early part of her career, Karen held senior positions in Australian Government including in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, where she managed the Partnership Against Domestic Violence program in the Office for the Status of Women. She has also managed her own consulting business and held senior management positions in non-government organisations including a high security women’s refuge in Victoria.
Audace Garnett
Audace Garnett has over a decade of experience working in New York City with victims
of domestic violence. She began her career as a disability advocate at a non-profit
organization named Barrier Free Living. Audace has also worked at the Brooklyn District
Attorney’s Office where she served as the Teen Services Coordinator in the Victim
Services Unit serving as the liaison between survivors 24 & under the New York City
Police Department (NYPD), courts, schools and community organizations. After six years
at the district attorney’s office, she then went on to prevention and intervention work at
a Teen Dating Violence prevention and intervention program named Day One where she
trained adult professionals around the intersection of teen dating violence and domestic
sex trafficking. She is currently a Technology Safety Specialist with Safety Net at NNEDV,
where she focuses specifically on the intersection between domestic violence, sexual
assault, stalking and technology.