End early/child and forced Marriages in emergencies, disasters and humanitarian sittings

11/06/2019 - 09:30 to 11/06/2019 - 11:00
Proposal(Workshop / Presentation)
Coordinating organization: 
Youth Association for Development
Emerging Issues
Organization Name: 
Youth Association for Development (YAD) Pakistan
Organization Introduction: 
The Youth Association for Development (YAD) is a youth lead, peace building civil society initiative based in Baluchistan and whose roots lies with a core of volunteers in different districts of Pakistan. YAD is human rights based approach with a multi sector development organization working on participatory development approach to bring long term change & sustainable development in the society. The idea of a civil society organization evolved in 2002, when a group of like minded people working in the social, political, democracy, freedoms, justice, climate, gender, feminists, human rights and development sector in Baluchistan and having enough local, sub national, national and international exposure and experience, got together and initiated the dialogue among themselves on issues of humanism, peace, democracy, human rights, gender, right to information, transparency, accountability, data, environment, water, climate, sanitation, hygiene, health, education & other social issues in the province and country; The group concluded the need for an organization which can address the above mentioned issues through a holistic approach; promote the value of humanism, feminism, pluralism, peace, justice, tolerance, equality, equity, basic human rights, women rights, minorities rights, child rights, adolescents rights, address democratic and governance issues, conduct research and analysis, initiate dialogues among different segments of society, take steps toward a peaceful, tolerant, and democratic society, conservation of environment, climate action, generating citizens based data, open data, monitoring, evaluation, tracing, tracking, transparency, accountability, primary health care, quality education, increasing literacy, increasing enrolment, decreasing dropout, youth activism, youth, empowerment, youth development, civic spaces, safe abortion, natural resources management, agriculture development, forest & bio diversity conservation, sanitation improvement & hygiene education, WASH, WATSAN, working for IWRM, advocacy and lobbying for SDGs achievements, SDGs achievement process monitoring at Pakistan level, enforcement of SDGs and 2030 agenda in Pakistan, law, legislations, policy reforms, policy actions, strategies, actions plans, and enforcement of laws and policies, creating public and private partnership with engagement of business communities, entrepreneurships, mentorships as well as provide an enabling environment to civil society of Baluchistan.
Social Media Sites
Proposer: attaulhaq
Describe your workshop/presentation (300-500 words): 
Background, context, problems, challenges and issues: In Pakistan Early/Child and Forced Marriages were nevertheless remained in the center of the debate at law, policy, legislation, reforms, community and action level and this issue lagging behind in all aspect. Although CMRA makes child marriages illegal, the punishment under this law act is minimal. A conviction under this law does not serve to nullify the marriage. Through the proposed initiative we will raise collective voices with the support of stakeholders to revise the CMRA in Pakistan and make it more punitive. Further, the minimum age for marriage is 16 years for girls and 18 years for boys in CMRA 1929. Through this initiative to make 18 years as the minimum age for marriage for all genders. Early/Child and Forced marriages practices are very high to resolve tribal and community level to resolve their disputes, this local practices call Alternate Dispute Resolution (It is doing by the Jirga and Phanchayait). Forced Marriages also continue in very high number of non-Muslims, Muslims majority are forcedly changing the religion of non-Muslim by forced marriages, the law is silent and no actions taken by the state authorities to stop forcedly marriages of non-Muslims girls. No National Strategy and National Plan of Action adopted to end early/child and forced marriages, no stop early/child and forced marriages task forces and units established and formulated, there is no mechanism, coordination and collaboration of referral mechanism of early/child and forced marriages victims/survival providing legal aid, shelter, counseling, FIR chalking, legal safety and Medco legal aid etc.
Summary of Solution: Tackling, reducing and ending early/child and forced marriages in Pakistan through policy and debate level with mainstreaming Ending Early, Child and Forced Marriages in law, policy, reforms, actions and community level (amendment of CMRA 1929, adopting national plan of action, adopting national strategy, formation/establishment of task forces and units) through engagement of provincial government departments, legislatures, elected representatives, journalists, religious clerics, faith based leaders, non-Muslims communities, tribal chiefs, local leaders, notables, elders, Jirgas, Phanchyaits, teachers, universities, colleges, parents, local communities, key influential, civil society organization, NGOs, INGOs, UN agencies, legal aid centers/clinic, helpline centres, bar councils, bar rooms, lawyers, law enforcement agencies, victims/survivors and vulnerable girls and boys of early/child and forced marriages, shelters, key influential, Nikah registrars, key representatives of worship places, women of the homes and communities, school going and out school going boys and girls, students unions, trade unions, migrants, refugees, IDPs, indigenous communities and senior citizens
All Speakers:
Atta Ul Haq Khaderzai