Digital Methods and Domestic Violence (數位方法和家庭暴力)

11/06/2019 - 13:45 to 11/06/2019 - 15:15
Proposal(Workshop / Presentation)
Coordinating organization: 
New Methods in Shelter Management and Social Work
Organization Name: 
Proposer: Nelleke Westerveld
Describe your workshop/presentation (300-500 words): 
The workshop highlighted a new method for clients who have experienced domestic violence.

In the Netherlands two organizations (Blijf Groep and Moviera) developed a digital method. This digital method gives clients the possibility to learn about different topics on their own computer / smartphone. The topics are relevant for clients who have experienced domestic violence. There are ten different topics, including safety, parenting after violence, love and relationships, communication, finance.

Each topic start with a video and information. Each client works on her own portfolio to answer her own questions. The topics are all aimed at safety and recovery. They also go out of the systemic approach of domestic violence. The social worker integrates the digital methods in their way of working. The traditional methods of social work are enriched with digital learning and knowledge that clients acquire by the digital methods.

During the workshop you will be introduced to this new method. The workshop facilitator will tell you about the advantages en effort of working with digital methods.