After the success of the 4th World Conference of Women’s Shelters, we are holding a follow-up webinar on the Global Network of Women's Shelters' Worldwide Women’s Helpline Project titled “Creating a Global Safety Network”. The speakers will be project coordinator Marieke Ruinaard, and GNWS board member and NNEDV executive vice president Cindy Southworth. The webinar will take place on December 19, 7PM Taipei time.
This event will update you on the progress of the GNWS Worldwide Helpline Project to create a dependable global website that lists accurate, approved, safe resources for victims of domestic and sexual violence in every country of the world. You will learn about the standards for dependable helplines, the approval process, and future plans for the second phase of the project to help connect survivors to qualified counselors and advocates.
The webinar will be at these times in your location:
Thursday, December 19, 2019
- 7pm - Taipei, Singapore, Hong Kong, Beijing, Manila
- 8pm - Tokyo, Seoul
- 10pm - Sydney
- 6pm - Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta
- 4:45pm - Kathmandu
- 4:30 - Delhi
- 4pm - Islamabad
- 12 noon - Amsterdam
- 6am - Washington DC
The webinar is organized by the Asian Network of Women’s Shelters (ANWS), GNWS and NNEDV. All are welcome to join and attendance is free, but registration is required through this link. After you sign up, you will receive a link to logon to the webinar.