Registration is now open for the study tour options on the final day of the 4th World Conference of Women’s Shelters. There is a choice of ten study tours to shelters, community organizations, government social welfare programs, DV centers and other institutions in southern Taiwan.
Study tour options include guided visits to Kaohsiung City Women’s Center, Tien-Ching Massage Center, Brilliant Life Middle-Aged Women’s Association, Fule Elderly Center, Xinxing Child Daycare Center, Kaohsiung City DV Center, Ruth Girls Shelter, and other institutions.
All the tours take place on Friday, November 8, 2019. The estimated departure time is 8:30AM and the return time is 5:00PM, but schedules may vary from tour to tour depending on traffic and travel distance. The pick-up and drop-off point is outside the 4WCWS venue at Kaohsiung Exhibition Center.
Each tour has a maximum capacity of 40 people only, so please sign up early to avoid disappointment. You must register for 4WCWS and pay your registration fee (unless you are a scholarship recipient) before you can sign up. But please note that registration for 4WCWS does not guarantee you will be able to attend a study tour. Once places are full, study tour registration will close.
Lunch is included in each tour, but with just two options of vegetarian or non-vegetarian meals. If you have other dietary needs, please bring your own food. The study tour language will be English only. Travel insurance is also included, but to enjoy coverage please fill out your full name as it appears in your passport, date of birth and passport number in the registration form.
Please note that there are no visits to women’s shelters. This is because the strategy for protecting survivors of domestic violence in Taiwan focuses on reducing shelter stay to a minimum, and concentrating welfare support on follow-up services within community settings.
Each tour includes local tourist spots, such as the Dragon and Tiger Pagodas, the Meinong Hakka Cultural Museum, the Confucius Temple, and even a ferry ride across Kaohsiung harbor.
Once you sign up for a study tour, you cannot change your choice.
We regret that the study tours are not open to youth caucus delegates.
Check out all the options and follow the link on the Study Tour page to sign up.