The early-bird registration period for the 4th World Conference of Women’s Shelters is fast approaching! If you have not done so already, please sign up now to enjoy the discount price of just $350 to participate in the largest and most diverse global gathering on protection and prevention of violence against women. After August 31 the cost of 4WCWS registration will go up to the standard price of US$500.
Organized by the Global Network of Women’s Shelters and hosted by the Garden of Hope Foundation, 4WCWS will bring together 1,500 people from 120 countries to network and share ideas on how to strengthen women shelters and end violence against women.
Participants include professionals working on all areas of gender equality, empowerment of women and girls, crisis shelter management, social work, services for survivors of gender based violence, and other related fields.
The conference program reflects the key issues facing both the shelter community and the broader movement to end violence against women today. Speakers include Oscar nominated actress Yalitza Aparicio, US playwright Eve Ensler, and former UN special rapporteur for VAW Rashida Manjoo.
Breakout sessions feature over 120 presentations given by experts and practitioners from all over the world. And on the final day there is a choice of 11 study tour options to shelters and other organizations in south Taiwan.
There is also a packed social program and a number of side events in the evenings and before and after the conference, including a gala dinner on the opening night which is free for registered delegates.
Sign up now to book your place at 4WCWS!