The workshop and mini-seminar schedule for the 4th World Conference of Women's Shelters is now online. The list includes a wide variety of sessions from every continent of the globe, on subjects from using art and other creative methods to do advocacy work, innovative methods in shelter management and protection strategies, policy and legislative frameworks to protect victims of gender-based violence, programs to empower women after they leave crisis shelters, and many other fascinating presentations. Check here for the full schedule.
In total, there are over 100 presentations to be given in over 60 sessions, including breakout sessions in Spanish and Chinese. Many thanks to the contributing organizations who have helped make the program so rich and diverse. In addition to the workshop and short paper agenda, a rundown of the 4WCWS plenary program is also now available online. The full list of plenary speaker will be announced soon. Please check the website for updates and follow us on social media for the latest news from 4WCWS.